Insight into the conflict between Ukraine and Russia

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An Hypothetical

In looking at the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, lets first imagine that at the start of WWII, during the German occupation of Poland, the NAZI soldiers went house by house, town by town, and rounded up the majority of Polish citizens in western Poland and placed them with the Jews in the concentration camps. After slowly starving them over several months, finally executed them. Now I’m quite aware of the reality of the Jewish holistic. For the sake of this discussion, however, I am hypothetically applying the same fate to the majority of polish citizens in western Poland. After such a slaughter, you would have the major population centers nearly void of human activity. Now image Germany takes from their own population and repopulates these cities, towns, and villages, with native Germans.

Fast forward to today. The war is nearly 75 years in the past, very few of that generation are still alive. Due to decades of corruption and political intervention from both Germany and the US, the western Polish-Germans find themselves in opposition to the Polish Government. At the encouragement of Germany, these native Germans now desire to break away from their Polish “masters” and “re”-unify with the Father land. Additional, just to complicate matters, lets make western Poland rich in natural resources (I don’t know if they are or not, but will assume so), both above and below the ground. Resources desperately needed by Poland to take care of it’s entire population, plus trade on the global market. Furthermore, the native Polish population, now the minority as a result of the before mentioned holocaust, still maintain strong ties with the rest of Poland.

One last consideration. “Fearing” that the Germans in this area, who are, themselves in the minority of greater Poland, are being unjustly treated, Germany decides to send in troops to support the German populous uprising.

As a world, what do we do?

  1. Tell the German-Poles they are illegally occupying the area and therefore we will send in troops in support of the Polish minority. Risking another war with Germany?
  2. Tell the Poles that to the victor goes the spoils, and for as terrible as the Holocaust was, they have to accept that they are now the minority and once again accept German control. After all, we support Democracies and the majority have spoken?
  3. Tell both sides, this is their fight and we will not get involved?

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia

This is the situation Ukraine finds itself in. Only instead of fictional, Stalin, during the 1930’s, using the communist “Collective Farming” starved 30 million Ukrainians1. While I was in Ukraine, I was told the story of the black flag. Right before the last person in the community died, they would place a black flag in the center of the village to indicate that all were dead. Once empty, Stalin relocated Native Russians into these areas. Therefore, where this territory was traditionally native Ukrainian, it now finds itself primarily native Russian. To be clear, while this populous are Ukrainian citizens, their passports show Russian “nationality”.  In my opinion, this lies at the heart of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

At this point, it might be easiest to simply stay neutral. After all we were not evolved in either event. Correct? Actually, no. Stalin sold the food being stolen from the Ukrainians on the global market. The US and Europe, suffering from food shortages themselves, purchased this produce. And we can’t claim ignorance either, the suffering of the Ukrainians was reported in the New York Times.Soviet-famine

Unfortunately, the resolution to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. If we take the moral high ground, Russia will, at the very least, turn off the pipeline that travels through Ukraine, cutting off the lifeline to countries like Italy who failed to heed President Reagan’s warning and now find themselves dependent on Russian oil. But in all reality, it would spark a military conflict between Russia and the US, one that, for the before mentioned reason, would find Europe siding with Russia, simply for their own survival. Not to mention, the US population has never had a stomach for open aggression against Russia, preferring to cower to the communist regime in the form of diplomatic compromises, that have lead to a world over powered by a Marxist agenda.

This leaves the question, do we remain neutral (as we did during the 1930’s Ukrainian Holocaust)? Do we strive to take the moral high ground, which could leave us alone in the world against a combined Russia and Europe? Or do we continue the charade of sanctions and diplomatic discussions, or as I like to phrase it “Use every word in the English dictionary to defend Ukrainian sovereignty”?

A few more points to consider. While I lived in Ukraine, we celebrated 3, yes 3 Independence day’s. The first was Ukraine’s independence from Russia when Germany came in. The second was from Germany when Russia came back in, the third was with the one year anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain and Ukraine’s

true independence. Native Ukrainians were subjected under the Soviet Union, they were never willing participants.  Another aspect of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia lies with it’s continual dominance of the country.  Part of this obsession is a historical claim to the ancient Kingdom of Kievan Rus’.

Next, to give you an idea of the soil conditions in Ukraine, Germany, as I understand it, with my limited experience there, is a beautiful green land. However, they still found it beneficial to ship train loads of top soil from Ukraine back to Germany during the occupation. Ukraine is considered the bread basket of Europe. They have a saying, the soil is so rich, you can plant a pencil and grow a tree.

Also, during our war with Iraq, when France and Germany choose to stay home, Ukraine and Poland both sent as many troops to support our effort as they could. Next to England and Australia, Poland and Ukraine were


our biggest allies. Many NATO member states such as Poland and the Baltic states now find themselves feeling threatened by this aggression on the part of Russia.

Finally, when Ukraine became independent, they controlled a large portion of Soviet Era nuclear missiles. In order to deal with a single nuclear power, the US and Europe convinced Ukraine and other former Soviet States, to turn over their nuclear stock piles to Russia for destruction, under the condition that we would “have their back”. Under the Obama administration, despite Ukrainians faithful assistance when other so-called friends turned their back on us, we have continually undermined Ukrainian security. First we let Russia role right over Georgia, setting precedent for today’s conflict. Then we caved to Russian threats and never deployed the promised missile shield to either Ukraine or Poland. And finally, we are not taking a strong stand for Ukrainian solidarity and sovereignty under the current conflict. Allowing again for Russian troops to role into an allies sovereign territory.

So the question is, what is America and Americans willing to do to help resolve the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I fear, nothing at all.

1 According to Wikipedia, the death count was somewhere between 7 and 9 million, however, I lived in Ukraine for 2 years. While I was there the nation held a memorial for the 30 million killed during this time period. However, and of lesser significance, it was unclear whether all 30 million died from the direct starvation techniques (and related shootings) or also included the ethnic cleansing and genocide committed against the Turkish and Jewish populations throughout Ukraine. For the sake of this discussion I will use the 30 million, as this is the number reported in Ukraine.

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